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  4. Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic' P11 (approx 1.3 litre)

Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic' P11 (approx 1.3 litre)


A frost tender aroid with large leaves up to 1.8m high. Leaves start green, developing into an unctuous purple black held on purple black stems. The colour is strongest in full sun, but the green black of those in shade is also worth exploring, there are a number of interesting colour combinations available with shade loving plants. They need to be well watered and not allowed to dry out. When the danger of frost has passed they can be grown in a pond margin or other wet spot, the sort of location preferred by Osmundas. The purple stems of Osmunda regalis 'Purpurascens' should go very well with them. This colour goes amazingly well with fresh green ferns, or, for the more adventurous, the Painted Ferns which will enjoy the shade these offer.

The easiest way to store is to keep them in a kind of semi-hibernation.in their container and store in a cellar/basement/frost free garage etc. Photo Stan Shebs CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

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