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  4. Adiantum pubescence- New Zealand Hairy Maidenhair Fern plug

Adiantum pubescence- New Zealand Hairy Maidenhair Fern plug


Height to 60cm, evergreen, semi-hardy in mild areas (zone 8). For colder areas, or in harsh winters, it is better to bring indoors.

Suitable as a house plant, it is much more tolerant of under-watering than many other Maidenhair Ferns.

New growth is red, maturing to green. A delightful, tough Maidenhair Fern.

Grow in a well drained compost and do not overwater. It prefers good light and humidity.

Very similar to A. hispidulum where it was considered a pseudonym but subsequent investigation has found this to be a separate species. B.S. Parris (1980) Adiantum hispidulum Swartz and A. pubescens Schkuhr

(Adiantaceae: Filicales) in New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Botany, 18:4, 503-506, DOI:


A. pubescens is found in New Zealand. It is slightly taller and more pedately branched than A. hispidulum.

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