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  4. Adiantum aleuticum 'Imbricatum' P9

Adiantum aleuticum 'Imbricatum' P9


Deciduous, height to 30cm.

Adiantum aleuticum is very similar to <i>A. pedatum</i> but noticeably different when compared together. A. aleuticum is native to the western half of North America and East Asia. It is a very hardy fern, and, despite its delicate appearance, very tough.

'Imbricatum' is a dwarf selection with green to blue-green foliage and purple wiry rachis. This variety forms a dense clump and is very easy to establish in good humus-rich, moist soil in shade.

I love this fern grown with bluebells and other spring flowering bulbs. The emerging spring foliage helps to conceal the bulbs leaves as they go over. Also a great fern for containers, the delicate looking foliage a great contrast to broader leaved perrenials such as Brunnera or Pulmonaria.

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